Thursday, 21 February 2013

‘World’s most confusing traffic lights’ finally taken down

A set of rather confusing fake traffic lights that were baffling drivers in China have finally been removed. This past weekend commuters were left in a muddle while trying to figure out the 14 different lights at the the Yangrenjie Theme Park in Chongqing.

This seemed to be the final tipping point for the art installation, which flashes different coloured signals at the same time, with officials removing them.

This was a change in attitude after traffic authorities had continually said the lights added to the beauty of the area and drivers should ignore them.

‘They are just for decoration because the junction looked bare,’ an official said last May when they were installed.

‘They look very pretty at night but drivers should just ignore them.’

But it now seems hapless visitors to the theme park will no longer be left in a muddle and can actually concentrate on real traffic signals.


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